
Sahoday Junior School formerly known as St. John's School, opened in 1994. It is a minority school which belongs to the Catholic Archdiocese of Delhi. It is a religious, social and educational institution which undertakes different programmes for the development of the "Whole Person".
In modern times the school has become the most important agency for formal education but the home is a powerful influence on the children in moulding their personalities. Both teachers and parents are equally responsible for the education of the child. Hence maximum co-operation and understanding between the parents and school authorities is desired.
To give the child an atmosphere conductive to his/her age group the classroom setting, the teaching learning process and the relationship between the teacher is essential.
One way to assess education is to see if the product of such education is capable of responding creatively and effectively to his/her environment, to people, events, situation and changes.
Education has remained a personal affair. The Kothari Education Commission and the New Education Policy have laid stress on the personal development and social commitment. Our education becomes a force for integration and not for division. A school serves the need of the community and supported by the community.